A review by thechronicknitter
The Alchemist's Daughter by Mary Lawrence


I greatly enjoyed reading this book. Mary Lawrence has created some wonderful characters that are amusing. She is not afraid to give her characters flaws, making them all the more real. Her plot line is exciting and I was only able to set the book down one time and then had to binge read until the end.

For those looking to read historical fiction about Tudor England that is completely accurate this would not be the series for you. Not all of the men, more particularly Biana Goddard's (the main character) boyfriend pretty much allows her to do what she wants, likely because she will anyway. I would assume that this is our of character to men in Tudor England, but who would read a book about a woman constantly being beaten and reamed out by her husband now that feminism is a thing. That said I also didn't feel that Lawrence had taken a 21st century male feminist's viewpoints and behaviors and transported him back in time. Her boyfriend is flawed usually attempts to remain control, he just doesn't usually win (though perhaps this is the way it has always been. I know my mom's in charge in my house!).

There are also some historical and medical inaccuracies, but I would not think one would read a historical fiction mystery novel if you were really looking for a non-fiction read. Lawrence does explain her position on what she changed and her reasoning. For instance, she doesn't have the characters speak the way they would have actually spoken as otherwise it would have read like Shakespeare and turned away a majority of readers.

Overall I found it an exciting and fun book to read.