A review by mldeblois13
The Dragon's Price by Bethany Wiggins


I really loved the basic premise of this book: (1) the Romeo & Juliet-type story with Faodarians & Antharians, (2) the concepts of dragons and their treasure, and (3) the world-building and history. However, there are several aspects of this book that I did not enjoy as a reader. First of all, the author did a lot of telling and not a lot of showing, which made several parts of the book boring and difficult to get through. Secondly, the romance was not really appropriate for YA; it seemed more like a Harlequin romance novel. The author could have chosen to "show" the relationship in a different way that would have made the book still interesting for male and female readers and relay the depth of trust and sacrifice. Third, I did not like the cover; it did not really represent the story as a whole. Fourth, everything that happens in this story is too convenient and entirely unbelievable even for fantasy. In the story, one event magically makes the main character a great fighter, a great rider, a great this and that. It is too bad that that only great asset the readers knows she had before the event was being disobedient and stubborn. This leads into my fifth issue of the lack of character development. The author had a lot of room to make her character deep, but she just created cookie-cutters- nothing original. Like I said before, this story could have been amazing (it started from a great seed of an idea); however, it just withered.