A review by jackie_beyondthebookends
Eli's Promise by Ronald H. Balson


Eli’s Promise is another exemplary historical fiction by Ronald Balson. ⁣

It’s a stand alone that isn’t a part of the Liam and Katherine series. I was so curious to see how this book would differ. ⁣

Balson is such a skilled writer and always finds a way to weave a story with suspense and capture a unique point of view. ⁣

The book moves between Nazi occupied Poland, Post-war Germany and the Chicago during the Vietnam era. Eli Rosen is on a quest to find the man who betrayed his family and bring him to justice. ⁣

The perspective of this book is unique and completely captivating. With characters that are so easy to love and hate, this is a must read historical fiction. Happy belated publication day!!! Thank you so much to @netgalley and @stmartinspress for my copy of this book!