A review by invisibleobserver13
Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return, by Marjane Satrapi


And the coming of age story continues. I still prefer the first book, but it is always better to have a complete story. And the ups and downs of adulthood and finding yourself are the biggest parts of anyone's story. I felt sorry and angry for her when Marjane experienced the xenophobia in Austria. I am glad that she learned from her mistakes and other experiences. Another important lesson to learn from Marjane's life is that as lost as you feel and however much you miss your family, going home doesn't always solve your problems. Despite the war being over, Iran seems to have gotten even more repressive, both in general and plainly so for women. Marjane Satrapi was very lucky to have such supportive parents and grandmother. They made her into the educated, liberated and successful woman she is today.