A review by lindseydomokur
The Rich Boy by Kylie Scott


The thing that drew me to this story was the Pride and Prejudice undertones. I really love a good slow burn. Beck fell for Alice while he was finding himself and working as a busboy. Little did she know that he was a billionaire and her life was about to change. This book was definitely insta-love, so if you love that trope, you will love this book. It was more of a Cinderella story with a bit of Pride and Prejudice thrown in there for good measure. I really loved how Beck courted Alice as Mr. Darcy, after Mr. Darcy got over his pride of course. Alice was a better person than I would be in the situation she was in. She was very strong when Beck's family had negative things to say about her, but I probably would have punched someone. Beck really had good intentions, but his need to give her everything and pamper her with all of his money annoyed me, I thought every thing he did was pretty excessive for a person who had just come back from sabbatical. All in all it was a cute read that was very low on drama.