A review by arthur_pendrgn
Dust by Patricia Cornwell


I grew to like the book the further I read. I'm disappointed Cornwell used the Newtown shootings as fodder for her novel. Surely she could have found another way for Kay be less self-absorbed. It makes sense that Kay would have been involved in it, but exploiting the pain and horror of that event is tasteless.

On a more positive note, there is forward movement in the novel. Marino seems more at peace; perhaps his alliance with Benton will stick. It's about time that Benton be the target of political machinations! At least he and Kay are united, no longer sparring uselessly. *

The corruption in the FBI and the government--however high up it goes--are sadly plausible today.

*Which begs the question, how did Benton reconcile himself to the continued employment of Luke Zenner? When did Kay decide to stop flirting with Luke?