A review by laughlinesandliterature
The Almost Girl by Amalie Howard


* I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*
The wonderful thing about The Almost Girl is that it was different. There was something about Riven that drew me in. It wasn’t because I hadn’t heard similar plots, or that her story was exceptionally different. It was the whole picture, every single part of it was just a little different. A little weird and unusual from the normal in science fiction.

I really enjoyed Riven, and there were times where her inner coldness got to me. However, her emotions were always there being tamped down with ruthless efficiency. I won’t say that I understood her or that I was always agreed with her decision, but there was always a thread of emotion that I could identify with.

This book started slowly, and especially at the beginning seemed a little repetitive. However, as the book progressed it became more obvious that some of the repetition had a point. A single isolated incident would not have been enough to jog my memory in major plot developments in the second half of the book.

All of the characters were very well developed, and some of the secondary characters really brought the story to life. Cade was probably the biggest, and he was also one of the best parts of the book. He was so absolutely Riven’s opposite that it was intriguing to read about them interacting together.

There were some parts of the book that were written awkwardly, and the beginning did drag a bit. However, Amalie Howard did a fantastic job creating the characters and world that it was something that was easily overlooked. I would give this book 4 out of 5 stars because of that. It also seems like there will be a sequel and I definitely can’t wait for that!

*This review was first posted to Moonlight Gleam Reviews http://moonlightgleam.com/2014/01/the-almost-girl-by-amalie-howard.html*