A review by mj_james_writes
Time and Blood by Sherry Rentschler


Time and Blood is written in a unique narrative style. Each section switches between characters, yet each section is presented from a first person point of view. You cannot get the entire story without reading multiple sections. Each character has a very unique voice that is easily distinguished from all the other characters.

Unfortunately, this can leave the plot a bit confusing. The main character, Rhea, has lived for millenniums. It is no wonder that her grasp of the concrete here and now is a bit muddled. When a reader first reads events from her perspective they are left with less than concrete plot details. It isn't until another character's nerationg that the details become more defined. To add to the confusion, the narrative switches chronologically as well, going back hours in the story line. While it is a brilliant and unique narrative style, the way that it was implemented made the story more confusing than it needed to be.

The plot is quite fascinating. Rhea is an immortal phenix that was identified, with her mate, as being central to a prophecy. Then her mate is killed, along with all the other phoenix's leaving Rhea as the sole survivor. Rhea moves through the human world without hope. How can she fulfill the prophecy if your beloved is dead? Yet, love has found a way.