A review by literarystrawberry
Accident! by Andrea Tsurumi


One of the little boys where I work has been really into books lately, so I've been signing out books I like from the library to read with him. This is currently one of his favorites, and I don't mind reading it over and over because there are /so many/ details in the illustrations, you can almost always spot something new. Last week while running around with another kid, he ended up bumping into his friend, and immediately said "It was an accident, Billy-- an accident," and then ran to get the book, showing it and saying "See? An accident!" When I first started working with him, aged a little under four, he had very limited language-- mostly one word requests, like "car" and "ball", and even those often needed to be prompted-- so it really makes me happy how much he's talking now at five, and to see him picking up new words and concepts like this. His other favorites so far have been The Monster at the End of This Book and Goodnight Already; I'll have to keep searching through the children's room at the library for new offerings.