A review by courtagonist
The Conspiracy of Us by Maggie Hall


This book was a book that a group of us readers from PageHabit met and agreed to read together for the month of July. I was very hesitant to read this book, due to the fact that it was a Young Adult Novel. Now, I don't have a problem with Young Adult books as a whole, but it makes it a lot harder for me to get into the protagonist's mind when I am NOT as young as her.

For one, Avery was/is very gullible, to leave her home, at the age of 15, to travel across the world with complete strangers is something that I could not believe. I thought it was irresponsible and stupid, quite frankly. As Stellan points out when they are on the plane leaving for France.

I also HATE love triangles. The whole tenson between Avery, Jack, and Stellan is an old troupe that I would love to see put to rest. I am tired of seeing love triangles in all of the genres. This is not how life is. For those reading this SPOILER review, I know that books are supposed to take you out of the realm of reality and into a fictional world, but I just couldn't.

Also, that quasi semi-sex scene in the book with Avery and Jack, was ridiculous and I just didn't believe it was right. There are teeenagers that are going to read this book and think that this is okay. They have known each other for a couple of days and already they are in bed with each other. I really feel like if these characters were 5 or 10 years older I would have been able to stand a lot more of these plot holes.

As for those few things that I did not like about the book, I did find the premise and plot extrememly interesting. I loved the history of Alexander the Great and the 12 families. I really wanted to know more about. I want know about the crypt and the treasure. It's the mystery that got my through the book. The wanting to know what happened.

I haven't made up my mind as to whether or not I want to read the second book, because the first one leaves off in a cliff hanger. I am going to have to wait it out a few days and see how I feel about it. I just finished the book 5 minutes ago and I felt like I needed to write a review on this. This is the first review that I have written about in length.