A review by mokey81
Tales from Watership Down by Richard Adams


This book was a big disappointment. Especially after the amazing book that is Watership Down.

The first half of the book is simply stories from the rabbits' mythology. And yes, they are entertaining, but it is very boring to have to sit through story after story with no context in the bigger story. Because for the first half of the book, there is no story. It was Adams saying, "Hey, I had more El-ahrairah stories than I could fit in the first book. I think I'll just throw them in this one.

Then, the story finally begins and we get to see our favorite characters actually living and interacting with each other. I really liked that part. And was very happy Adams gave us some real story. But, then again, I was disappointed because it was a very abrupt ending. Out of nowhere. With no real purpose at all.

This book was just a huge disappointment overall. Adams should have stopped while he was ahead. Watership Down is incredible. This was a real let down.