A review by zapkode
Judy Moody was in a Mood. Not a Good Mood. A Bad Mood. by Megan McDonald


{My Thoughts} – Judy Moody is a little girl that is unhappy that summer is over. It’s the first day of school and she didn’t get to do anything special, like she assumed all of her friends probably had. At breakfast, however, she learns that she did do something worth talking about, she ate shark. She decides that this news of shark eating is so special that she just has to mark up her t-shirt to show that she had ate shark. I have to say that if it were my daughter I would have been surprised, however, at least she had something to talk about the first day of third grade.

Once class begins the teacher assigns homework. Judy is suppose to make a “Me Collage.” The object of the collage is to allow students to creatively tell others more about themselves, through pictures, objects, etc… She goes through a rough go of trying to make this collage for school. It appears that she was putting way more thought into it and what others would think about it, then just having fun with the assignment. Eventually she finishes it and has to present at at school. In between somethings happen that almost stop her from presenting it, but she decides to take a chance and does and it all turns out okay and in her favor.

I really enjoyed the illustrations in this book. They helped to bring more character to the story. I also like how the simple wording of the story continued throughout the entire book. I want to read more of this series in the future, as this was a rather enjoyable read.