A review by raven168
The Krinar Captive by Dima Zales, Anna Zaires


3.5 stars
I was so looking forward to this book because I just loved the last three (well, really the first two more so than than the last) and was hoping to get another dominating male like Korum. But as we know, Korum is one of a kind even among his own kind so it just didn't happen.

Yes, Zaron was very possessive and liked to be in control. But he just wasn't as forceful for much of the time. I guess to be fair, he had his reasons though. Partly because of a mate he lost, and partly because of fear that he held. Still, I enjoyed his character. Getting a Krinar science nerd was interesting and he still did have that primitive side all of his people do...we just don't see it often.

As for Emily, I could go either way with her. I was fine with how she dealt with her captivity and all she learned. I mean, come on. Who wouldn't cave to such a fine male specimen? What I didn't care for was her almost obsessive need to get back to work on Wall Street. Ironically, that's the field I'm currently working in and I hate it. Can't wait to get out. It can be so tedious and boring, plus the uncertainty of everything does nothing but cause stress. So, personally, I just can't imagine anyone wanting to come back to it so badly. But that's just me. That aside, she only really did one stupid thing in the book and that sure came back to bite her.

Okay, so. Emily had recently lost her job so she has gone on a vacation to Costa Rica for a bit. After a heavy rain she goes out for a walk and finds herself precariously hanging from a bridge. But not for long. Lucky for her Zaron hears her panicked scream and runs to find it. He arrives to late to catch her, but not too late to save her. She immediately catches his attention but it is her determination to live that makes him take her with him. A few days later, she wakes up and finds herself as his unwilling guest for two weeks. During which time she learns more about him and select pieces of information about his people and what's soon to happen.

The first 30% or so of the book was sort of boring because I already knew everything that Emily was learning about. I did know this was a prequel though, so I wasn't surprised by that fact. Unfortunately it did kind of make that part drag on a bit.

Even with escape ever present in her mind, Emily starts to fear leaving Zaron. Her connection is so much deeper with him than anything she's ever shared before. Too bad he's not human. And too bad she knows what his people are planning. So she just can't let herself love him. When the Krinar ships are soon to arrive, Emily's time as a captive is at it's end. Zaron is loathe to let her go but he promised her he would, and Emily feels she must leave even though it literally brakes her heart.

And then it's K-Day. I did like getting more glimpses of what happened when it all went down and not just past tense talk. As the weeks pass, things get slightly better but the panic is still there. Emily has pretty much been hiding out in her apartment except when she has to get/go out. But her grief of leaving Zaron when he asked her stay is eating at her. And just when she makes a decision on what she wants, things take a bad turn. Caught and held against her will (for real this time) her only hope lies with Zaron. The time apart has also been eating away at Zaron and when things become too suspicious he also makes a decision. Seeking help from Korum (yes, I was happy with the couple appearances he made in this book), he fully intends to claim what is his no matter what it takes.

I loved the addition of Emily's cat George. I am such a cat person so I also could never imagine leaving my cat behind. It was slightly humorous Zaron's attempts at befriending the feline, including his plans to take it out hunting. That is one thing I just can't imagine my cat getting into and I would be terrified of losing her out in the jungle.

All in all it was a good read. And I would definitely read any more Krinar books that come out. I just prefer my Krinar males have a little more oomph to them.