A review by themaliciousreader
Moribund by Genevieve Iseult Eldredge


I was provided an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Moribund tells the story of Syl and Rouen. Syl is a simple sophomore in high school, except she got into an accident some weeks before the start of the story, which made her best friend turn on her somehow. She’s now a pariah at school.
Rouen is a dark fae, who is controlled by Agravaine, a meanie.

Though the world was pretty complex and original, I found it under explained and it felt like the whole setting part was rushed.
To me, the book started too fast, the connection between the main characters was too rushed, it felt like insta-love to me… I found their relationship very cliché even though it was F/F. I just couldn’t feel what the characters felt.
Speaking of the two main characters, they drove me crazy and I rolled my eyes so many times. I can’t even count the number of times Rouen called herself “emo”, which I found pretty weird at first but then, I just found it ridiculous I guess…
The side characters, Fiann and Agravaine were so cliché, I don’t even know where to start…
Thankfully, Syl’s mom, Georgina seemed pretty cool, I’m also curious about Lennon (a friend of Syl) who was pretty interesting.
So, even though I didn’t really like it and it took me a week to read, I’m still curious about the sequel and I might read it… Maybe.