A review by theragereader
Immortal Hearts, by Ellen Schreiber


I wanted to like this series, I really did, but Raven and other characters read like they’re straight out of My Immortal—complete with everything being gothic.

Let’s start with the characters.

Raven: a spoiled, over-privileged, entitled, self-centered, holier than thou, too-snarky brat who needs to be taught a lesson. I blame her parents for never correcting her behavior. She never once thinks about anyone other than herself and for someone who claims she doesn’t care what others think, she sure gets jealous of Luna and Stormy’s closeness. That’s a bother thing. Everyone just falls all over themselves for her! And she throws a hissy fit when they don't all while at the same time reminding us that she totally DOESN'T care about what others think. Everything—and I do mean everything—had to be gothic and macabre just because.

Alexander: sweet, far too lenient with Raven's childish behavior, your basic “i'm a monster, woe is me” angsty Twilight vampire. He doesn't do much other than smolder at Raven the entire series and angsts.

Trevor: Typical rich douchebag. Ridiculously over the top nasty and mean and spiteful but he's hot so it's okay.

Becky and Matt: No personalities outside of Trevor or Raven. Could've been cardboard cut outs, for all I knew about them. Still their little romance was cute.

Raven's family: Boring, average.

Dullsville students: Why are they all the same cardboard cut-outs of mean girls and mean boys? They're all fake like this is a cartoon.

Vamps (Onyx, Luna, Stormy, Valentine, Jagger, Scarlett, etc): Imagine stock photos of emo kids but with fangs. Everything they wear is super gothic, because god forbid there's a non-gothic vampire. And they're all obsessed with Raven as much as she'd obsessed with Alexander and being a vampire.

Plot: There is none. It's all contrived angst, miscommunication, or emotional diarrhea.

Overall, I still hold a fondness for this series. The writing made me want to punch someone (Raven reads more like a middle-grader than a sixteen-year-old teenager) and I really despised the whole Trevor-Raven situation. Why would she harp on how hot he is if she hates him? And leads him on several times. If there'd been an actual love triangle, maybe, but it's just Trevor awkwardly being way too into her and her lapping up the attention honestly. I'd have preferred it if Trevor and Raven became a thing, since they've got waaaay more chemistry than Mr. Bland Nice Guy and McGoth.