A review by sc104906
Lucky Caller by Emma Mills


I received this as an eARC through Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

Nina takes a radio broadcasting class because it is rumored to be the easiest and the most fun. However, this class means something special to her because her father is a morning broadcast legend, a fact that she tries to keep secret. This class is going to be more complicated than Nina could ever imagine. She is forced to create a weekly broadcast with a group that includes her ex-best friend Jaime, someone she shares a great history with and had a slight crush on. Their group must have the most listeners to get the best grade and they decide to tap Nina's father as a secret guest. However, since her parent's divorce and her father's move across the country, she doesn't have a great relationship with him. This broadcast class is going to force Nina to deal with her baggage.

I found this to be super cute. While the ending was totally convenient, I was so invested in the story that I didn't mind. I liked Jaime and the past that he shared with Piper.