A review by crookedtreehouse
Daredevil by Mark Waid, Volume 2 by Mark Waid


The Omega Drive story gets serious, drawing Spider-Man and Black Cat into the madness. One of Spidey's exes, and one of The Fantastic Four's rogues show up in this volume and it feels perfectly natural. Yes, this is headed towards a mini-crossover event, but it doesn't feel like places are being deliberately put in to get us to a milestone event. It just feels like a Daredevil story that's big enough to envelop more of the Marvel Universe. So, you know, better than Shadowland.

If you enjoy this, I recommend picking up [b:The Punisher, Vol. 1|13528708|The Punisher, Vol. 1|Greg Rucka|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1348673113l/13528708._SY75_.jpg|87070388], as it also feeds into a story which will appear in Daredevil By Waid Vol 3, Punisher By Rucka Vol 2, and Avenging Spider-Man Vol 2.