A review by dollycas
Nuts and Buried by Elizabeth Lee


Dollycas’s Thoughts

This series wraps up with the murder of Eugene Wheatley. Following the accidental death of his first wife, the wealthy and influential Wheatley is throwing a party to introduce his new bride, Jeannie, to his friends in Riverville. The whole Blanchard family, Lindy, Meemaw Miss Amelia, sister Bethany, brother Justin and mother Emma are all in attendance when a shot rings out and the groom is found dead in his office. The killer tried to make the death look like a suicide but none of the Blandchards are buying it. They also realize the new Mrs. Wheatley is in over her head as her new sister-in-law bulldozes over her to make funeral plans and settle the estate. It doesn’t help that her gold-digging mother and just released from prison brother are in town and are prime suspects on some people’s lists.

Lindy and Miss Amelia are determined to help Jeannie and help Lindy’s boyfriend/police officer Hunter Austen catch the true killer. But Lindy keeps getting sidetracked by Peter Franklin, a scientist that also studies pecans who has become best friends with Eugene’s sister. When Lindy gets shot it is time to crack some nuts and turn up the heat to serve up some Texas justice and put that killer behind bars.

All the characters in this series are quirky in one way or another and I love that. Miss Amelia is my favorite character. She is a wise woman and doesn’t back away from a problem. She has a logical way of looking at things and is a great help to Hunter as he sorts through all the clues. She also is the perfect person to give Lindy the push and shove needed to get on with her life and see what is right in front of her. Lindy is a strong, smart woman as well. I love how dedicated she is to her research, trees and the family pecan farm and keeping it going and profitable. She has a huge heart too, she sees someone who needs help and acts. This brings the elderly, 80+, Chancey sisters, twins, Miranda and Melody. They are an absolute hoot and also have huge hearts.

Ms. Lee has written a multifaceted mystery with a couple of interesting subplots that make a story that is hard to put down. She blends together daily life on the pecan farm, the family store, and all the things Lindy and her family are involved in including Hunter and Lindy’s relationship along with more than one mystery to solve. Twister like turns keeps readers on their toes. I loved following along as each twist and clue was revealed.

I was late to this the party for this series and I am upset this series ended because these stories were full of Texas spunk and lovable, believable, and entertaining characters. The author did leave the characters in a good place even though I am sure she had more of their stories to tell. That being said, don’t miss the 3 books in this great series!