A review by jmatkinson1
Dishonour and Obey by Graham Brack


When Master Mercurius is summoned from Leiden to attend the Stadhouder William he knows that this means that William has need of him. However he never expects to be sent to England as part of a delegation to arrange William's marriage to the niece of the King, Mary. London is very different but murder soon follows and Mercurius is soon caught up in an international intrigue that threatens to derail the marriage.
A quick return to the series and a welcome one as Brack is developing a rather enjoyable sequence of books starring an amusing character. What I really love is that Mercurius is developing a real personality, pompous and pedantic but rather endearing. No-one could accuse Brack of writing complex and intellectual books but actually that is not what is required, the books are light but supremely entertaining and this is no exception.