A review by mamabookwyrm
The Bound by K.A. Linde


Another dose of fantasy for my poor deprived fantasy loving heart—The Bound takes up where The Affiliate left off. Cyrene is off on her mission and as she begins her adventure you are immediately drawn back into the world that K.A. Linde has created. It is full of adventure, suspense and magic. Linde does an incredible job building this world, filling it with intricate details and vivid descriptions that bring it to life. I was able to picture things easily in my mind. Then she filled it with a story of twists and turns that kept my mind occupied and extremely entertained. I had to pay attention or I’d miss the littlest of clues that might just mean something later. Or would it?

If you read my review of The Affiliate, you’ll know that I loved the characters in this world. They are complex, flawed and well written. And as Cyrene continues to make friends and enemies, this continues to be the case. Several new characters join the story, adding to it, increasing the depth and the mystery of it all. This is one giant puzzle and I just want to figure it out! Add in the feels that are pulled out of you. And you have one spectacular novel.

I definitely recommend this series for any fans of the fantasy genre and for those looking to make a foray into it. This book will hook you deep. I cannot wait for the next one.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
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