A review by silverthane
The Dark Portal, by Robin Jarvis


When I was a child I did not read much, my brother was a different kettle of fish and read quite alot (although these days the roles are reversed) I mention this because I remember him reading this one what must be 15 years ago so when I stumbled across it by accident I decided to give it a try.

I was anxious that perhaps this would read lke a childrens book (a reasonable assumption) however I am pleased to report that although it is clearly aimed at young people it is certainly a book that can be enjoyed by adults.

It is a story of adventure above all else and most people like a good adventure story often regardless at what age group it is aimed at. The story takes place in the sewers underneath London. A group of foul ,murderous rats worship a cat they believe is a god. A small community of mice live in fear of the sewers and rats however the curiosity of one mouse has dire consequences for all the others when he is caught spying.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book and found it both entertaining and exciting the story is easy to follow but not dull either and the characters are excellently thought out.

This is the first book in a trilogy and I fully intend to read the other two eventually.