A review by catrev
The Treasure Principle: Unlocking the Secret of Joyful Giving by Randy Alcorn


The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn is one of many books on the market encouraging Christians to give first to the Lord and trust in His blessings. This books stands head and shoulders above others in this genre because the author truly lives the message of which he writes. Alcorn, who is well known for his many books, especially Heaven, lives on minimum wage. All of his books belong to his church which donates 90% of the profits to charities close to Alcorn's heart. Compare this to other pastors who tell you to tithe, and that you can start by mailing your money directly to them! Alcorn's Treasure Principle is that when we are good stewards of the gifts that God has given us on earth, He will reward us, and we will store up treasures accordingly in Heaven. He uses as an example: if I offered you $1000 today or if you waited, $10,000,000 in a year and then again every year after forever, which would you take? Anyone taking the $1000 would be sacrificing a greater treasure for small happiness today. I know this is a sin I am guilty of, but Alcorn's book offers hope and straightforward reasons for me to repent. It's a thoroughly enjoyable book with a wonderful message.