A review by pentalith5
Dark at the Crossing by Elliot Ackerman


This gripping tale of war at the Turkish border with Syria grapples with the essence of what it means to be human in a world of conflict and tragedy. It's well written and filled with many gems such as these:

“But I won’t help under the assumption that you’re a good man punishing a bad one,” she added. “I’m exhausted by those ideas. He took something from you. You’re going to take it back, nothing more. Agreed?

He believed in the war but not as a cause. He believed in it as an impulse, the way a painter paints, or a musician plays, a necessary impulse.

If you're interested in these kinds of ideas - what it means to devote yourself to a cause, or to identify yourself as having a home in one country and not another, I highly recommend this book.

Side note: I went to high school with the author, who was a year ahead of me, hence why this book popped out as I was browsing Overdrive!