A review by belovedbrat
Never Miss by Melissa Koslin


first reviewed here: https://belovedgraceful-carissasbookshelf.blogspot.com/2021/05/never-miss-by-melissa-koslin-review.html

Title: Never Miss
Author: Melissa Koslin

Ch: 43

Pg: 368

Genre: Christian Suspense

Rating: 5 stars

Publisher: 5 stars

I was hooked from page one of Never Miss the debut novel from Melissa Koslin. Though the publisher says it’s suspense to me it reads more like a psychological thriller. Kadance Tolle is a former CIA sniper Lyndon Vaile is a researcher studying possible man made virus. After saving him Kadance is determined to not only keep him alive but help him.

This book had some of my favorite things in literature a strong and compatible heroine and a slightly nerdy hero who is more than meets the eye. Who knows the heroine can take care of herself and just wants to help and support her in whatever way she needs.

Kadance was an easy character to relate to because like Kadance my father also taught me how to shoot but unlike characters in the book he never went against the oath. A favorite part was when Kadance was technically hustling the guys at the shooting range but hey it wasn’t her fault they didn’t think she could shoot just because she was a woman she didn’t lie she just didn’t correct them.

Keep in mind if you want to read this one keep in mind it’s more of psychological thriller than suspense. But I am looking forward to the next book from Melissa Koslin

I received a complimentary copy from the publishers as part of a blog tour. I was not required to provide a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.