A review by irrelahvant
Ashes to Ashes by Jenny Han


Mary is a character that I hate. No, I've read books with people who have been plotting revenge but Mary is just sick in the head. There I said it. She's an unlikeable character. Like girl, calm down man. I wanted to let it out after reading this book.

Moving on, I honestly felt cheated. For the ending, for the relationship here. Yes. I am a sucker for cliche endings eventhough I cringed at sappy stuff. I just wanted a satisfying ending. Like what stupid Mary wanted throughout the series; closure. Suddenly after the whole catastrophe, they stopped talking to one another? Like I was #TeamReeve when I read Fire with Fire and suddenly it all came tumbling down like Pompeii????????

I am annoyed. Yes I am. I wanted to know what happened to Reeve and Lilia but nope. Nothing. Suddenly she flings herself to Alex back. I feel so cheated and disrespected. I am exaggerating and I know that but I didn't stay up till 3 in the morning.

That is all. Ainee out