A review by brea_by_the_beach
The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton


Someone is watching Nella, the young bride who has been brought to live amidst the secluded walls of Amsterdam as the wife of a prosperous trader. She navigates the curious circle of proper Dutch society.

While her husband ignores her, she grows to appreciate the fine cabinet he's purchased as a gift. It contains a miniature replica of her current home.

A random purchase of miniature pieces leads to a mystery, as someone keeps sending her custom designed odds and ends that perfectly match what she lives with in real life.

Slowly she realizes the strange miniatures are foretelling events in her life and the lives of those who have become her family.

There's wonderful details about the period of time and place the author captures. The main character evolves through her actions and grows strength and assurance. I loved the minute details of the miniatures themselves and could picture each of them in my mind as though I was holding them in my hand. I could see the feasts laid out and smell the warm baked goods made by Cornelia.

I agree with those who've criticized the ending as not fully satisfying. Perhaps I just wanted more to happen having grown to like the characters so much.