A review by mynameiskate2807
#Rev by Cambria Hebert


**********Contains Spoilers**********

I’ve lost count with how many times that I’ve read this book as it’s one of my go to reads from the GearShark Series, I’ve just never gotten around to posting a review. Totally awesome read. There’s so much love and support within this book as well as blatant a*seholery and ignorance by people who should automatically love and support Trent and Drew no matter what they end up doing for a job or who they love but they stay strong at least for each other while the other could completely crumble. I loved the moment when Lorhaven found them having a moment and specked that his brother Arrow was telling the truth about Drew and even though he was his usual a*sehole shelf, he offered his support and it was nice to see that he can be vulnerable especially where his little brother Arrow is concerned. I totally loved Trent’s plan of pay back for the four homophobic w*nkers from his Frat who attacked him when they only suspected he was gay and that he’s in a relationship with Drew. It was devious but totally well deserved and then added with Romeo’s plan of a charity football game so Drew, Braeden and Romeo can repay the w*nkers for hurting their family. I’m also glad that Drew got his own form of pay back as they hurt the man he loves and he told Trent you should never piss off a hacker, Con’s pay back cracked me up. Man, when it came to light what Trent has had to deal with for months from Con and this friends with all the homophobic slurs thrown at him. I really don’t know how he didn’t shatter into a million pieces, yet it never showed on the outside or he never told Drew how bad it actually was as he didn’t want any of their hate and ugliness to touch Drew and their relationship. Trent’s Granny is my favourite person how she just loves and supports him, that he has great taste in men, she also told him that his Scottish accent wasn’t very convincing and she always knew it was him who called, but he could call her anytime and talk in a bad accent because she loved him and she likes to drive fast so what’s not to like. Oh Arrow is in desperate need of friends so I’m glad he now has Trent and Drew a support system as they’ll not only be awesome people to have in his corner and great role models to show him what two men in love can be like, as he definitely needs more than just his older brother Lorhaven. I’m looking forward to reading Lorhaven and Joey’s story next as it’ll be good to see Lorhaven not being such an a*sehole, well really only to Arrow and Joey, everyone else is fair game. I’d definitely recommend this book, series, universe and author to everyone.