A review by tashmoustache_
Life Moves Pretty Fast: The Lessons We Learned From Eighties Movies by Hadley Freeman


Real rating: 4.5

Despite the fact that I didn't agree with all of Hadley's points about these movies (mainly Batman and Steel Magnolias), the enthusiasm and passion she pours into every argument is clear to see and more than anything it's just so wonderful to be able to read a book that talks as lovingly about Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, and The Princess Bride as much as I myself love them. Seriously, if you love 80s movies then this book is a MUST read for it's hilarious "Top Tens" and in-depth interviews with the likes of Tim Burton, Molly Ringwald, and Michael J Fox to name but a few!

P.S- In my opinion this book is enjoyed best if you watch/(in most cases) re-watch the movies discussed in each chapter before you read said chapter as then it feels more like a much more wholly and rounded experience, (with Hadley serving as your 80s-obsessed older sibling), and not "just a book".