A review by evimulder
Nooit meer slapen by Willem Frederik Hermans


Oh wow, this was really really boring.

I was kind of ashamed that I hadn't read a Dutch book this year, but also in general, I read very little books that are published in the Netherlands. So I found a list made by a big Dutch newspaper with the 10 best Dutch books ever. I had only read one book on that list and that was [b:Het huis van de moskee|1877062|Het huis van de moskee|Kader Abdolah|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1392746004l/1877062._SY75_.jpg|1878057] and I really liked that one plus the list contained some other well known books that you "have to read", so I thought; let's try to read the books on this list.

Unfortunately I really can not not finish a book, especially when it's on a list like that, which means that apparently a lot of people think it is really good. But I just really really don't see why. Everything was so slow and nothing really happened and it made me fall a sleep every night after a few pages. So halfway I decided to switch to the audio book, in the hope that that would make it a little less boring. But even the audio book was very monotonous and my mind kept wandering off. And it's not that it's badly written, but it's also not spectacular.

So when I was at about 70% of the book I started googling why you should read this book. Unfortunately that also resulted in me finding out the big thing that happens in the end of the book, so even the most exciting thing that happens in this book was ruined for me. And I still haven't found out why people think this is good..

So not a great pick to start to read more (classic) Dutch books.

2 stars