A review by meetmeinmalkovich
The Storm Crow by Kalyn Josephson


3.5 Stars!

I listened to this book on hoopla, and it honestly took me a bit to get used to the narrator. She's quite animated and at first it was a lot to take in, but as the book progressed, I got used to it. It didn't take away from the reading, just personally took me a minute to get used to.

This book features a LOT of tropes: forced proximity, arranged marriage, girl saves her kingdom, love triangle (not a fan of), broody but nice boy, enemies to lovers... it actually felt like a lot was crammed into one book, but not unusual for YA fantasies if I'm honest.

It does open on a tragedy, which I felt gave it a lot of suspense right at the start. But what started out as a strong opening simmered out in the middle. It also became a bit predictable so that fell a bit flat for me.

However, with that said, I still found the story interesting. As villains go, the "evil queen" is a bit tame but I think that was just because of the age demographic more than anything else. Overall, a decent read that I'll definitely read the sequel for!