A review by peppers_books
Sapphire and Steel by Violet Froste


I enjoyed this! I really liked Aster and how brave and loyal she was. I also liked how each chapter switched POV and how the chapter titles also alternated (Aster / Svagnar the [Blank]). I do wish the book was a little longer so we could've got more development with the characters and their relationship. I thought the main conflict got resolved too quickly and neatly which left me with the feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop, or however the saying goes. I will say though that I noticed a lot of typos and things like missing periods, and even one time where the wrong name was used. I know that indie authors don't have the resources that traditionally backed authors have but these errors stuck out to me, especially as this was published a few years ago now. But overall a quick, enjoyable read!