A review by alice94
The Rescue by Julie Weaver


Spice Level: 3
Tension Level: 4

It was only a short story, but that was the point of me reading it, it was too see if it was a type of book I would enjoy and to explore different aspects of romance books. The relationship between the two was the vocal point of the story, which considering it was 70 pages was to be expected, but for anyone who is unsure if they would like to read a romance that is a little bit more out there with a little bit more unrealistic expectations of what it would be like to live in their lives this may be a short story for you.

The spice and tension were not as high as it would have been in other books but I gave it this rating because you have to consider the length of the book and how much the author managed to keep you in the dark without it being overpowering and how in suspense you were despite the short length.