A review by peggyemi
Deep Fried Revenge by Lynn Cahoon


Deep Fried Revenge is the 4th book in the Farm-to-Fork Mystery series by author Lynn Cahoon and I have to say I think that it is my favorite in the series so far. This time around, Angie and the team from the Country Seat are entered in the best restaurant competition at the Boise State Fair. Unfortunately, this time around the competition is murder - literally. Not only that, this time around Sheriff Brown actually welcomes Angie's help as she tries to dig up the murder before the next victim is someone from the restaurant.

In this installment, it feels like the series and characters are hitting their stride. The story, pace and mystery flow really well in this book and if I didn't have a full-time job, I would have finished the book a lot sooner. The characters and their relationships with each other and romantic are developing well. As a reader, I can see the growth in them from book to book and each time I pick up a new installment I am excited to see the changes and developments. This time around, we add a new secondary character, a young runaway, whose story is also a bit of a mystery. Her name is Bleak and I really enjoyed her addition to the cast of characters. I'm hoping we will see more of her in future books.

The mystery was well done as always. Ms. Cahoon weaves clues throughout the story, and frankly, for this reader, uses her delicious description of the food made during the competition as a red herring used to distract this reader. There were actually two mysteries that were woven together nicely throughout the story. First, who is Bleak, where did she come from and why did she run away? Second, who is killing the chefs that are winning the various rounds in the food competition? Ms. Cahoon wrapped both of these up very nicely, with Angie once again in the thick of some danger, much to Ian's worry.

This is a terrific series and I recommend it to culinary cozy mystery lovers and those who are fans of Ms. Cahoon's other series. I will definitely be returning for the next installment, which was set up nicely at the end of this book.

I voluntarily read a digital advanced reader copy provided to me by the publisher, Kensington, through Netgalley.