A review by emmafromoz
Better Off Dead by H.P. Mallory


Bits & pieces of this book were enjoyable but overall I was fairly disappointed. I am a big fan of the Dulcie O'Neill series, but this just doesn't measure up to DON standards. The hero (chief source of UST) is hot & mysterious, but his accent was deeply irritating. I am everlastingly grateful not to have listened to this on audiobook. And frankly I could have done with some fleshing out of the UST as well. Sometimes less is not more. Especially when HP has already proved herself more than capable of writing a mean sex scene. The guardian angel, Bill, was often irritating as well, although he did grow on me as the book progressed. As for Lily, she was fine, but I frequently found myself half-doubting her as a realistic character. And yes, I am aware of how ridiculous that sentence is in this context. All in all, an ok read, but not HP Mallory's best work.