A review by aravenclawlibraryx
Afflicted by Susanne Valenti


A special thank you goes out to the author, Susanne Valenti, for allowing me to read this early! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

TW: child abuse

This book was terrifying! It wasn't terrifying in the sense that there were monsters and such. Well there kind of was but that didn't make it terrifying. I was terrified because everything that happened in this book is entirely plausible. The speed at which technology is advancing in our society is ridiculous. And because of that, the things that happened in this book could totally happen.

Course, I'm not going to share everything that happened because nobody likes books to be spoiled. But like the synopsis said, there is a poison spreading amongst the Earth and there is nothing that can be done about it. So it's up to Kaitlyn and Lincoln to try and survive in this new world.

Lincoln and Kaitlyn were excellent characters and narrators. Both had incredibly distinctive personalities so even if I hadn't paid attention the chapter heading, I knew who was talking. Right away I was drawn to Lincoln. He didn't have a great life and it made him incredibly jaded about life. I instantly wanted to protect him and hurt whoever hurt him. I also really appreciated Kaitlyn. She sounded like everyday teenager, which is something I look for in YA. She also didn't make dumb decisions that some female leads tend to make. She ruled with her head and not her heart.

Overall, this was a great start to what I'm sure will be a fantastic series. The lack of information surrounding what was going on made me want to keep reading to the end. In fact, it's going to suck having to wait until whenever the next book drops because I want to know what happens next!