A review by ohkatrinahreads
Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly


Going into this I thought it was going to be the same regurgitation of the;
• Forced marriage
• Mafia
• Age Gap

But it was surprisingly not, I liked Guilia and how she developed, it was believable and not overly dramatic, her dynamic with the children and Loulou though was rushed and felt less believable but it didn't take away from her character as it tied in well with her optimistic and kind persona. She shows her experience with the environment with how she interacts with Cassio and this is highlighted by her conversation with her father. She stands her ground and maintains her smart mouth and disregard for the traditional hierarchy throughout, respectfully obeying what was expected of her andanaged not to appear as a pushover.

Cassio is constantly battling with her age but aslo gives I to his urges and desire, his battle is somewhat believeable because from the beginning we don't see him struggle a lot with everything that is happening around him, his family meddles, this comes through in the first few chapters and continues throughout the book. Something I think that may be overlooked however, is how his grief and trust issues come through in his interaction with Guilia and everyone else around him.

I didn't like how their chemistry wasn't as clearly executed as everything else in the book, Guilia can't be faulted though, her character grows throughout, optimistic at the idea of a happy family, and healing everyone but Cassio just somehow always stumbles into everything, his marriage with Guilia, his feelings, his desire, his acceptance of the age gap, nothing feels like it was given time to develop from his side.

Although the Mafia is an integral part of the book, the focus is more on how Guilia makes a mark in the underbosses home, and somehow it works.