A review by jst1morechapter
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn


Dazed and Confused... A Gone Girl Review

Wow!... Just Wow!... Gillian Flynn certainly has a way with words... I love the way she writes, her descriptions leave me in awe, the language she uses can be beautiful, and beautifully terrifying.

I must say I do not like the majority of the characters in this book... they are truly, awfully flawed... at 57% of the way through I only vaguely liked Go, Nick's twin sister, not because she'd done anything special it's just that she hadn't done anything seriously wrong, but this book is so twisted I was thinking 'I'll give it time, she probably will!'

The plot goes back and forth in alternative chapters through Nick's present day POV and Amy's previous years of diary entries until their timelines meet and then carry forward. It sets a steady pace... It never seemed to drag and it didn't feel rushed... but frustration? oh yes there was lots of that... and many, many, many WTF?!! moments too.

It's gripping, I couldn't put it down because I wanted to know what happened next... there's so much suspense, you second guess everything, and so many twists and revelations you forget where you are in this maze of a book... believe me when I say, I was dying to finish it just to be able to have a decent night's sleep...

This wasn't my usual MO, I'm more of a YA/chicklit/PNR girl, but I was asked to read it and I'm really glad I did. It's exceptionally well written, it's just, not 'nice'... if you're looking for a HEA then I'd advise that you put this back on the shelf... this is a dark and disturbing psychological thriller, this is not a love story, there is no satisfactory conclusion, it is what it is and I suppose life is sometimes like that too... we don't always get a happy ending, although what I've just read is far from a plausible real-life situation!

In short, I enjoyed it but, I didn't particularly like it... then again that's just my opinion... read it and make up your own mind ;)