A review by bkoser
Gods and Heroes of Ancient Greece by Gustav Schwab


Well written and structured. The language is archaic which makes for a dry read, but it's fine in small doses.


- When Polynices reunites with his father Oedipus after betraying him, he says, "I confess—I accuse myself—I forgot my father." Stephen King Dark Tower allusion or no?

A Short Play
Setting: The Trojan War

Apollo: I, Apollo, God of the Sun and Healing, will fire my arrows into the Greek ranks and bring upon them a plague!
Hypnos: I, Hypnos, God of Dreams, will send a false prophecy in a dream to deceive the Greeks into a premature attack!
Ares: Guys
Athena: I, Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and Handicraft, will warn Odysseus that your dream is false!
Aprodite: I, Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, will save Paris from death and transport him in a mist back to Troy!
Ares: Guys wait
Zeus: I, Zeus, God of the Sky and Law, will save Sarpedon from the spear of Tlepolemus!
Ares: Guys I'm the God of War
Scamander: I, Scamander, God of the River Scamander, will fight Achilles!
Ares: Guys I really think that I ought
Hera: I, Hera, the Goddess of Motherhood and Childbirth, will aid the Greeks in battle!
Ares: Guys come on
Achilles: I, Achilles, not a God, have killed Penthesilea, Queen of the Amazons!
Ares: Wait, that was my daughter! You can't
Zeus: Stand down, Ares! This is war!
Ares: :(