A review by chllybrd
Blood and Mistletoe by E.J. Stevens


The Demon attorney is back and with him he brings Ivy a new lead that puts her on the path of a very old and dangerous being who is killing faeries. BLOOD AND MISTLETOE gave us a nice peek at how things are going in Harborsmouth since SHADOW SIGHT ended. There was a good amount of action with a fast paced but detailed plot. Unfortunately we don't get much of Ivy with her new beau so I think we need an extra dose in book 2 when it releases, but there is a neat little scene at the end of the book that I'm sure you will enjoy that involves them.

Steven's has done a fantastic job with bringing her world to us. It is full of different creatures and she has a great way with details. I still have plenty of questions running through my head regarding Ivy and the series so I will definitely stay on track to read book 2, GHOST LIGHT.