A review by leahkarge
Phantom in the Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon


Praise God, hallelujah, for this book. It came at the perfect time for me. I have been having a really hard time with books lately, especially with heroines, but hopefully this book has pulled me out of my rut. I read this book now partly because I really, really wanted to, but also because I can always count on Sherrilyn Kenyon to give me a heroine I can love (with only two exceptions).

I love this book. I love the BAD Agency series. I love Sherrilyn Kenyon. I love Nathan and Terri and Carlos and Stoner. Damn, I am riding a high or something after finishing this book and actually liking it all the way through.

Nathan Drake was extremely sexy and intelligent. Sure, he was a bit to altruistic to be totally believable, but who is to say that, if my sister was about to be sent to prison that I wouldn't do whatever I could to prevent that, even taking her place? Hopefully it never, ever happens, but I suppose it could happen. What I could appreciate, though, was Nathan's devotion to his brother, one of the two people he loved most in the world, both of who are dead. Even if Terri couldn't really understand until the end when her grandma was being threatened, I can appreciate the fact that Nathan would do anything he had to in order to take down the man who murdered his twin. That dedication combined with his skills makes Nathan too sexy for his own damn good.

Like I said above, I have been having a really hard time with heroines lately. Really hard. Like, I have been hating every single one of them. For that alone, I was a tad bit nervous. However, like I also said above, I know that Sherrilyn Kenyon can always give me a heroine that I can love, or at least like. And I really did like Terri. There were times when she drove me nuts--like when she doubted Nathan--but I still loved her. I'm sure you can imagine how relieved I am to have still loved her by the end of the book! She was strong and brave, funny and intelligent, dedicated and loving to her family. She rocked!

I loved the other characters, too, especially Carlos and Stoner. As soon as I saw Carlos' name on the page...Well, I won't embarrass myself by telling you what I did. Suffice it to say that I got really excited. Carlos was the man who started my obsessive love of sexy men named Carlos, and let me tell you, I was definitely feeling that love again. As a matter of fact, I am going to start rereading his book as soon as I finish this review! Ahhhh, Carlos...*dreamy sigh*

Overall, this was a great book. Like I said, I love this series and I'm so glad I started reading it. Thank you, Sherrilyn Kenyon (and Dianna Love), for finally giving me a heroine I could love and hopefully getting me out of my bad book rut.