A review by beckylej
Doctor Who: Into the Nowhere by Jenny T. Colgan


The wait is almost over! That's right, Whovians, the Doctor is set to return in August. Until then, BBC Books has a great new series of e shorts to tide us over!

The second installment in the series is from Jenny T. Colgan, who also recently penned the Doctor Eleven adventure Dark Horizons. In "Into the Nowhere" Doctor Eleven and Clara land on an unmapped and unnamed planet that immediately seems intent on killing them! They can leave if they can only get back to the TARDIS, but nothing intrigues the Doctor quite like the unknown...

These shorts are perfect little tastes to tide over any Doctor Who fan. Each one is a new little adventure from a great author, and each featuring a different doctor (no particular order to read them in either) - other installments include Nick Harkaway's "Keeping Up With the Joneses" and Cecelia Ahern's "The Bog Warrior" amongst others.