A review by booksuperpower
The Double Life of Incorporate Things by Leanna Renee Hieber


The Double Life of Incorporate Things by Leanna Renee Hieber is a 2013 Deus Ex Victoriana publication. I was provided a copy of this book in conjunction with a book tour promotion.

This book is the finale in the Magic Most Foul series.
Jonathon, Lord Denbury and Miss Natalie Stewart will need to conclude their paranormal business before they can embark on their life together. Nathaniel and Livinia will join forces with Jonathon and Natalie to battle evil demons after their very souls. They will have to go directly to the Denbury Estate to face the ultimate evil. A precarious plan is hatched that will test the foursome beyond anything they ever faced in the past.

I will confess that I have not read the previous two books in this series. Often times that is not all that big of a deal. It's always best to read in order to get the maximum enjoyment from a series. However, it's not a deal breaker if you pick up a series in the middle somewhere. In this case though, I think it is best to read the other two before tackling this one. It's obvious that there is a past between Jonathon and Natalie and with other characters that play a role in this novel, but whose history is only alluded to. The presumption is that you know what has happened already and this book will not clue you in too much. If you want to know the history, you will have to go back and catch up. There is a great deal of information you will feel left out of if you have not read the other books. Having said that, this is a new adventure and it is easy to figure out the basic things you need to know in order to follow along. The writing is very descriptive and close to being "Gothic" in style. I love Gothic literature, but I often become frustrated that a paranormal element seems to define the current day Gothic novel. However, this novel is historical and the mood is absolutely atmospheric and creepy, and quite tense at times. I was really sucked in by the writing and loved the story.
I enjoyed Natalie's non-traditional attitudes, and Jonathon was so funny. His attempts at gallant romance were so awkward you will just want to hug him. He is quite honorable and is a true hero.
For those following this series, I think you will be very satisfied with the conclusion of the trilogy.
Over all this one is an A.