A review by sianny
Fallen Jester by Devney Perry


Love love love!!

Cassie goes the local bar with a friend one night and uncharacteristically has a one night stand with a hot biker, Leo. A few weeks later she’s find out she pregnant, and when she tells him, he freaks out. Pushes her away, treats her like crap, makes her feel pathetic. So she goes back to college and they have no contact for months, until she comes home after graduating, and bumps into him in town.

Unable to help himself, he treats her like rubbish yet again but has decided to move to Dallas so she won’t feel awkward seeing him around town. However he can’t seem to make himself leave. Or leave her alone.

Eventually she moves in with him so that they can get to know each other before the baby arrives, and hopefully learn to co-parent. Maybe even be friends. But of course they’re still unbelievably attracted to each other so can they draw a line in the sand? Or will they try to be a family for their baby?

Seriously though...how can moody bikers with very shady pasts be so...hot?? How? But the way Devney writes them, that is exactly what they are. I mean, Leo! This womanising, hard-shelled, grumpy, jerk just doesn’t believe he’s good enough for Cassie! Doesn’t believe he has anything to offer her and that he’s a terrible person! I just wanna hug him!!!! And Cassie is so sweet and smart, but always feels like she isn’t enough. You are enough Cass! Man, I just wanna hug her too.

Just an adorable book with a not-so-adorable storyline. Such loveable characters, and, ugh! All the big hard men melting for their women and kids? Ovary explosion!

Loved the teaser for the next book too! The plot thickens...