A review by jenbebookish
3 A.M. Heartbreak Material by Marisa Crane


I am one of those people who tries to stay away from social media. If I could, I would refrain from FB, IG, Twitter, all dem sites get on my nerves most of the time and if I think too hard about it-creep me out. But every now and again I am shown the light and reminded of the beautiful ways in which the Internet/social media connects people to other people/things they might not have connected to otherwise.
I have neverrrr ever been a poetry person. Not even close. I've always had a thing for song lyrics, so I guess that's poetry? But aside from that, all the poetry I've tackled in school and in my reading life has turned me OFF. I've stumbled across the occasional gem, but never discovered any poets that have produced consistent work. UNTIL...I happened to stumble across Tyler Knott's Instagram, to my surprise and delight!! And so thus I discovered a poet who I loved, thoroughly and consistently! I bought his book the Typewriter Series and not only was the aesthetics of the book utterly perfect, but the words matched the pages. And now I'm going on a tangent, but thru Tyler I stumbled across Marisa Crane who I impulsively added on IG, and after following her now for several weeks, I have come across so many of her poems that cut straight thru me, that speak directly TO me, that scold me, comfort me, soothe me and say to me "I understand." I've fallen in love with her words, gritty and honest, direct and dark, open and heartbreaking and everything that I like in my literature. She just happens to have a way with words that suits me, and so finally because of her and Tyler and I've found a poet I can love; poetry that has lead my finally understanding what people see in poetry!

Marisa Crane, you did goooood.