A review by mimi_reads_alot
Hard Luck by Sara Ney


Usually I will rave about Sara Ney but not for this one. If you've read the other books in the series you had to have been waiting for True's story just as I was.

After reading this, I have to say I would have waited longer to get a better book.

My problem wasn't how quick the relationship was because some relationships happen quick. And my problem wasn't how long it took True to reveal to him she was pregnant, because hey I'm sorry sometimes your just scared. It happens.

My main problem was the freaking end. What the hell was that??? Where was the rest of the book? It just freaking ends.

Fine, we are told they are "dating", we know the sex of the baby, but is that the conclusion we all wanted? No! I wanted more. I wanted a HEA and a HEA this was not. It felt very unfinished. I felt like I was watching a TV show and the last set of commercials came on and I am waiting for the end of the show ... and the power goes out. Ugh.