A review by bookishrealm
Getting Schooled by Christina C. Jones


Ya'll know I've been on this CCJ binge and I haven't looked back. Everything that she writes is golden and I've been loving my journey in reading a lot of her stuff! 4.5 Stars. CW: death of a parent

Getting Schooled is hate to love done so well. It focuses on Reese and Jason. Reese is a heroine with a troubled past who attempts to get her life on tract and eventually becomes a graduate assistant. It is through her work that she meets Jason who is maybe just a tad bit rude and pushes Reese's buttons like other. What happens next is nothing short of a hilarious and beautiful romance filled with chemistry and some of the best banter. As I have stated in previous reviews, CCJ is gifted at characterizations. She makes her characters both realistic and likeable. Jason and Reese are like oil and water at first. They do not get along and they have no intentions of getting along. The pure sexual attraction that they have is undeniable, but they can't stand each other so the back and forth is pure gold. As a reader, you can't help but anxiously await for them to figure things out. While I think that most of this novel is fun, there are some serious moments where the emotional struggles for each character is addressed. There's a lot of loss that they're both dealing with and sometimes it comes out in the form of projection. This is where they both become supportive of each other. They don't appear to experience loss the same way, but they understand that their pain may be similar. I wasn't expecting that level of intensity, but I'm glad that it was a part of the book. Jason also has a prosthetic leg and while it isn't the entire focus of the story as a whole, it is important to Jason's character development. It's insight to how he views himself and past conversations that have occurred when a partner finds out and it also serves insight to how Reese views him.

Overall, this was a great book and I'm excited to continue the series. Every time I read a CCJ book I continue to understand why people love her so much. She's so great at everything she writes!