A review by bookedbrunette
The Cruelty by Scott Bergstrom


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The Cruelty
Scott Bergstrom
Pages: 368
Fav Characters: Marina, Bohdan, Yael, Gwen

Before I start this, I need to say something. This book, including it’s sequel, were given to me for FREE by an old friend of mine and I hadn’t got the chance to read them. Well, I finally did and I’m so thankful I did. Shoutout to an old friend for encouraging my reading addiction.Β 


I really liked this book a lot. It was a female lead, rage-inducing, suspenseful tale where a 17 year old daughter must save her father from the clutches of mob bosses, mafia men and murderers. If anyone knows the movie Taken, it’s a similar plot but, it’s the daughter saving the kidnapped father haha!

I enjoyed the plot of the overall storyline the best. Everything flowed nicely as the daughter is going from country to country fighting, stealing, retrieving and hiding. I really enjoyed the YA feel as well. It was from a 17 year old’s perspective but, the seriousness and violence was in your face as much as the YA portions were and I LOVED THAT!Β 

This book, on the outside, is a story for enjoyers of suspense, political issues, the secrets behind our government and traveling. But, taking a deeper look into the words and the characters, we can see that this is a parallel of war. There are many sides to a war yet, in the end there is no clear winner because war means loss, even if you win, you lose. There were no clear winners in this book and I really enjoyed that. One of the prevailing themes constantly being reminded to the main character is the atrocity of the world we live in. The men who are in power and who abuse that power taking it out on others who’s only crime was being born into the wrong countries. I really, really enjoyed this book.Β 

Aside from the political parts of the story, we get to imagine what a world made for shady adults looks like to an ordinary 17 year old girl. We see that even though she is young and doesn’t have a hurtful bone in her body, the extents that she does and learns in order to save her father, are ones I would never dare do. Unless it was for family.Β 

This book may be fictional and it may be a story and characters who aren’t flesh and blood but, the feelings it evoked and the moments I was able to share with these characters are so important to me. It’s important for me because, as a woman living in this world, the things that were talked about and done, I know happens. I don’t know if it happens around me but, power doesn’t dare, it just is, and we can’t stop bad things from happening. Murder, trafficking, drug dealing, killing, illegal money laundering and so much more. This world is run by devil’s whose blood is green with bills. As long as money runs freely, not a single person blinks twice at such horrific acts.Β 

I really believe that this is one of those stories you could get lost in and then look up and it’s been 18 hours LOL.Β 

One other thing I want to mention about this book is that…we were able to see perspectives of everyone. Yes, we only got Gwen’s POV but, her interactions with characters were enough to learn about them. One of the characters who I absolutely love, is actually a terrible, terrible person. He is known for his many crimes but, we never see him commit these. We only see him as a father to a son. There is another parallel here as well. A girl who would do anything to find her father and a son who desperately reaches to impress his father. Again, the book was so great that I actually loved one of the villains. He was nice, kind, even gentle with the main character and it made me understand a hard truth of the world.Β 

Not all devils are evil and not all angels are pure.Β 

I loved it but, one thing I do have to admit, the ending, or the last two or so chapters, felt rushed. I understood what was happening and I got the gist of how it happened but, it seemed too naive to write the ending the way it was. We know there are still devils who exist out there. Still evils to happen and murderers to kill. I own the second book so…I’m going right into it. :)Β