A review by crookedtreehouse
Hellblazer: The Devil You Know by Jamie Delano


After a promising start, wherein we see the Newcastle incident mentioned repeatedly in volume one, this volume gets caught up in trying to use mythology and dream imagery to tell fairly mundane stories.

Delano is a great writer but using a Dream Sequence for most of an issue is pretty lazy, especially when it's too make a very generalized point about environmentalism. I know this is Early Days in comics trying to send this sort of message, but Delano was fully capable of using demons to make his point, or just, you know, showing a rain of birds, or the actual effects of radioactivity, rather than having Constantine dream of bad things happening in the environment.

The annual, in which we see the Constantine of Merlin's time was excruciating. Too long a tale with no payoff.

The Horrorist storyline at the end was beautifully rendered by David Lloyd but didn't have the crust storytelling if they previous volume.

This is still with picking up if you're a John Constantine fan or just a devotee of early Vertigo, but it's not as vital and intriguing as its predecessor.