A review by erin_collins
The Bromance Book Club by Lyssa Kay Adams


The only reason I didn’t give this book a 1 is simply because I love the concept of it! But I’m a similar way that a fifth piece of cake in concept taste amazing you overall end up sick and regretting life. That was this book for me. The idea of it, men reading cheesy romance novels to improve their game, is something I would normally love but one pest destroyed the entire book for me and her name is Thea.

Ah Thea. From the minute I met her I hated her, absolutely hated her. Now I went in thinking ah yes there has to be something here that will get me to distrust Gavin as much as her I always look to relate but instead all I kept thinking was why? Like this girl really said ah yes I’ve been lying to you for three years and you are reasonably upset but I don’t like that so DIVORCE! Like she kicks him out but it was a test? He was supposed to stay? No because that wouldn’t have worked because then Gavin is going against her will then he’s the bad guy that doesn’t respect what she is saying. I honestly would have been more on her side if he didn’t respect her enough to leave after she asked because it showed he wanted her to feel comfortable even if it was destroying him. Either way she was going to be mad at him and was that fair? No. That’s what I didn’t like about these characters it all fell to Gavin putting in 200% to fix everything and yeah okay she realized her wrongs at the last minute but she doesn’t do much about it and it’s too rushed at the end and never really fully addressed. It would have been sexier then any of the actual smut in this book for the two of them to have a long sit down conversation where they address all of their problems. So yeah I don’t particularly like Thea and that’s not to say Gavin didn’t fuck up either he was just the lesser of two evils here for me.

Then we have liv. now from a childhood standpoint I can relate to these girls but god if my sister ever decided that she was competing with my significant other? No just no like they are both adults here but liv acted like a jealous ex or something not a sister. I know for a fact my sister wouldn’t take any of the bullshit i was spewing and would make me tell her the truth before she starts bashing the hypothetical father of my children. That’s another thing both of these girls acted as if Gavin had cheated or done something horrible to the girls but he didn’t. From what I’ve gathered all he did was feel hurt after being told he was lied to for three years. I get the whole trauma aspect I do but this book wasn’t long enough or fitting enough for it. Like it tried to be funny and with the concept funny would have worked but then the whole thing was just trying to fix Thea’s trauma without really talking about it and it just ruined the whole book for me. So yeah will I read the others in this series probably. But that’s only because I enjoyed the guys in the book and want to see their stories. Thea on the other hand deserves a one star. I actually cheered when Gavin walked out and if it weren’t for the children I would have told him to run.