A review by chroniclesofabookmum
Postscript by Cecelia Ahern


It has taken me so long to write this review, I just could not put into words how much this book meant to me. Every time I tried to write something I just could not do it justice. I still don't even know what to say about this book, I am completely lost for words. Many books have made me tear up, however until reading this book I had never burst into floods of tears. My husband thought there was something seriously wrong with me. Honestly, Postscript punched at my heart several times.

I'll be honest, when I first saw that this was coming out I was very apprehensive. I loved PS I Love You as a teenager, i've read the book and watched the film so many times. I just didn't think a book could live up to that for me, I honestly thought that this was a money making scheme which would ruin the whole concept for me. Wow, I was wrong. Completely wrong. In fact I actually prefer Postscript to PS I Love You. It was my favourite read in October and I think it may end up being in my top ten books of the year, if not number one.

I loved Holly's relationship with Gabriel, I really enjoyed seeing her move on and send the message to people that it is okay. It made me laugh that they met at a chicken wing stand, why couldn't I have met my husband in that way. You definitely know you've got a keeper if you he enjoys chicken wings. Now I want chicken wings .. really want chicken wings. I also liked the way Cecelia addressed the fact that Gerry previously had "given permission" for Holly to move on when he died. Holly is such a strong and independent woman and highlights the fact she didn't need Gerry's permission and that her choice to move on was her own. This made me feel really liberated as a female.

All the characters involved in the PS, I Love You Club really pulled at my heartstrings. Especially Ginika. Oh god, her storyline broke my heart. I cried and cried, I felt so attached to her. I love how Holly taught her how to write so that she could write a final letter to her young daughter. I also love how the storyline with Denise tied in perfectly with Ginika's. It was all just so perfect considering the circumstances.

It was really strange reading this book as an adult. I felt like I had a strong emotional connection to the story. I am newly married so I think it resonated with me far more now compared to when I was 16.

THE ENDING. Two parts of this ending had me in absolute tears. Gerry's final letter to Holly was perfect, I love how we got one final instalment from Gerry which is something that I did not expect. Just when I thought I was getting over the heartbreak of reading this letter I then meet Jack. JACK. His poor new wife. Oh god. That was it, as soon as I read this I just could not pull myself together. What an absolutely brilliant book.